Over the past several months I have received numerous emails from disgruntled growers asking me to give them Brendon's personal information. Let me make a few things clear.
1. I don't have it. I don't have an address, phone number or email. We have no mutual friends. We don't even live in the same state anymore. We haven't been in contact since right after I started this blog. I have no desire whatsoever to see him or speak to him again.
2. IF I did have any contact information I would not hand it out to just any angry stranger online who asked for it. I understand a lot of people are upset. I understand that crimes have been committed. I fully support any and all LEGAL action pursued against Brendon. I do not support vigilante justice.
3. I did not start this blog for revenge (mine or anyone else). I put the effort I did into this because I believed it was important to spread awareness (still do) and in some small way it helped my guilty conscience.
I don't often respond to the emails I receive. Not because I don't care but mainly because I've moved on. The part Brendon and I played in each others lives has been over for years and I've done my part to make amends with the individuals who were wronged. This blog will remain online (hopefully) until Clone Queen, THC Plant and any other illegal operations Brendon might be involved in. But as far as a witch hunt or vigilante justice are concerned do not ask me to get involved because I won't.